Sunday, May 31, 2009

ummm yeah

So I have no clue where this blog is going to go but hey lets see what happens.

I love ice cream. When we have ice cream in the house I'll have some every night until its gone. Its like clock work, just as i begin to settle into my chair for the night to do some talking and tv watching I always make a trip to the freezer to check for some ice cream. I love every single kind and take at least three scoops a night. I never feel guilty about any of this, but some people might. Thats how I would view sins if I felt guilty about ice cream. They're the little things in life that we try to convince ourselfs won't do us any real harm, but we know that they do. Despite the fact that we know what we are doing is wrong, and is hurting us, we just can't stop. Its like an addicition. Every day (or week, or month, or year) like clockwork we do the same thing over again, and then immediately regret it. We ask God for forgiveness and then and do it again. Se struggle but never win the fight. We're never going to stop eating ice cream (sinning) if we don't first ask God for help, and then ask someone we look up to for help. We can't do this life thing alone, and we weren't meant to, that's why God made man AND woman. We were meant to be social creatures and we were meant to rely on others' strength because ours is not enough by it self.

So yeah, I wanted to talk about ice cream and it turned into accountability, but hey, what can I say, other than I love ice cream! (the real stuff, not the metaphor)

Friday, May 29, 2009

a trip down memory lane

So tonight was the Band banquet, where everyone gets their class awards and we all get recognized, yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, afterwards there is always a dance. Needless to say the songs are never really that good and the lighting is pretty bad so its not that great of an experience. Due to this fact, my two friends and I decided to go play on the play ground. It was the most fun I've had in a while. We went on the swings, we found a ball and played four square with 3 people... We invented our own game. It was just like we were in elementary school again. Those were the good days when school was easy, homework took 20 minutes at the max, and all you had to care about was having fun. Once again let me tell you that that was a lot of fun, and it also did a good job of taking my mind off of school and band and all that stuff. So, next time you feel overwhelmed why not take a trip down memory lane and play on a playground. Remember, you're never to old to have fun.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


So my junior year is coming to a close and lets just say it was a little crazy.  I had my toughest schedule to date, and became even more involved in band (if thats possible).  I've started looking at colleges and have changed my potential career close to five times now.  I believe I'm currently settled on engineering, and maybe double majoring in physics, but for all I know that plan could change tomorrow.  

There have also been numerous other changes.  One of these is that for marching band next year I will be playing the Tuba, not the drums.  People have told me I'm crazy, and maybe I am, but I have my reasons, and I am excited to try something new so.  

I also started a book this winter.  I published the first few pages in the last post and will be continuing it this summer.  In response to that, no I am not going to be  writer, I just figured I'd give it a try and see what happens.

Well, thats all for now, I'll catch you all next time.

Monday, May 25, 2009


So I'm looking to try and start blogging again but don't really have anything to write about right now, so here you go.  This is a story that I started to write in the winter and am looking to continue this summer maybe.  Anyway, this is like the first chapter of so i guess, if you have any comments go ahead and leave them please ^.^


                Darkness.   An absolute void where not one ray of light penetrated.  A darkness that deprives the mind not only of sight, but also thought.  That’s all there was when I first opened my eyes.  At least, I thought I had opened them, but I couldn’t be sure.  As I slowly began to think again I noticed the cool, hard, smooth surface plastered to my face.  It almost felt like marble, but it was even smoother than it should have been.  I slowly slid my hands under my shoulders and tried to push myself up.  Before I was even to my hands and knees I fell back down.  It felt as if I hadn’t moved in weeks.  Slowly reaching outwards I tried to create a mental map of my immediate surroundings.  To my right was a wall, to my left, more of the cold hard floor.  The wall felt as if it was standard dry wall, painted with really cheap paint. 

                I tried to get up again but soon gave this up as a fruitless labor.  As I lay there panting I soon realized that I had no clue who I was, nor where I was.  As you can imagine, this was not a pleasant feeling.  I raced through my mind trying to find answers to what my past held in it.  Nothing was there.  It was if I was searching through a room darker than the one I was in searching for a contact that had fallen out.  I grew frustrated.  “What is going on?!?!” I shouted.  Only the echo of my voice answered.  I could feel my heart rate quickening and panic setting in.  Not a shred of my identity remained.  I had no clue how old I was, if I had any family, why I was in this god forsaken place.  Wait, one glimmer of hope, one thing that I did know.  I knew that I knew that there was a God.  It was the only thing that I could feel.  I threw myself into this.  It became my identity.  I knew nothing, nothing except the fact that I had a God who loved me dearly.  Thinking back on that horrible moment in my life, that one idea is probably the only reason I didn’t go insane.  God saves in many ways.


Chapter 1

                “You’ve really got to stop this…” my wife sighed, “every time you go out you come home with numerous injuries and an excuse that doesn’t fit.”

                “I told you, it was just a little mix up at work,” I shot back as I removed the ice from my eye and winced as she began trying to clean the gash on my leg.

                “Just a little mix up?!  Jesus, Mark! You look as if you just got discharged from World War III.  How can you call that a little mix up?  And what I really want to know is how does your work cause you to get into fights?  You’re a freaking cashier at Walmart.  There is absolutely no reason why you should be getting into physical altercations.”

                “Look, Susan, I already told you, some guy was trying to steal a camera and I chased him down.  He didn’t like that and thus this happened.  How was I supposed to know he had a knife?”

                “Why didn’t you just call the police?”

                “I did!”

                “Oh, and I assume that they saw you and said ‘you look ok to me, you can go home now’ because you look just marvelous,” Susan replied.  I could sense the doubt in her voice; it was always there, ever since the first incident.  I wanted so bad to tell her what really was happening, that I really wasn’t a cashier at Walmart.  I t hurt me so much to have to lie to her like this, but I couldn’t tell.  I never could.  It was for her own good.  If only she knew…

                I looked into her eyes willing her to understand that I had no choice in the matter.  Her eyes were mesmerizing; they could freeze over the Amazon River with their glare and melt the ice caps with their affectionate glances.  Those eyes were just the tip of the beauty that was my wife.  A beauty she was, the most beautiful person in the world as far as I was concerned.   She had long black hair that fell to her shoulders.  She had a face that everyone could love and a body that could turn heads.

                The physical appearance only scratched the surface though.  Susan was the most loving and caring person anyone could find anywhere on this planet.  Even when she was upset or angry she still had your best interests at heart.  I was so happy that we were together, in fact, I can say with certainty that it is impossible for any man to be more happy with his spouse.

                “Look, I told you what happened. I’m sorry if you don’t believe me but that’s what happened,”   I finally replied.  Oh how it pained me to have to lie to her like this.  The words of my high school physics teacher briefly flashed through my mind.  “Never keep a secret from your spouse.  It is not a good idea.”  Ack!  I agreed so much with this statement, but he had never been in this situation, that much is for sure. 

                “Humph!” Susan replied as she stood and walked out of the kitchen.  Our relationship was on its brink and nothing I could do could save it.  The only reason why we were still together was for the children, and even that was beginning to lose its grip.  Oh the precious children.  They were the love of my life.  Few people could experience the same joy I could just by hanging out with those kids.  There was the cowboy Joey, and the princess Shannon.  They were the pride of my life and I would do anything for them.

                I decided that sitting around the house wasn’t helping anyone so I hopped in my 2000 Honda CR-V and shot out into the street.  I had absolutely no clue where I was going, just that I needed to get out and clear my head a little.  I hated it when Susan and I fought and tried to avoid them at all costs.  The times when we did fight, which was becoming more and more frequent, I usually ended up here, behind the wheel of my reliable mode CR-V.  That car probably shared more moments with me than anything else in my life.  It was my place to escape to, my safe house.

                I started to reflect back on the last few years.  My marriage had taken a turn for the worse shortly after that one fateful night.  That one night is where all of this trouble began, where my life changed forever, for the better or worst.  That night and that man, that man who first intro….

                “HONNNNKKKK!!!!”  My thoughts were interrupted by an angry driver behind me.  I had been day dreaming at a stop light again.  I quickly started through the intersection and turned off into the next driveway I saw as the other car sped around me.  I began to look around and tried to figure out just where I had taken myself this time.  I quickly came to realize that I was in the neighborhood where my good friend John lived.  John also happened to be my pastor.  I decided to drop by and see if he was around.  It always helped me to talk to him.

                “Ding-Dong” the doorbell sounded.  It was the most standard sound for a doorbell, and it fit John perfectly. 

                “Mark!” John exclaimed as he threw wide the door.  We embraced and then I was whisked inside.  “How have you been?  Ohh I see you have been having more adventures, you must tell me everything.  We haven’t talked since Sunday, where have you been?”

                Mark was a very ecstatic and energetic man.  He was also very simple.  He lived in a small rural house that was quite literally in the middle of nowhere.  His car was a ’95 Camry that was outdated before he bought it.  Everything Mark owned was simple and functional.

                Mark was the kind of person that was impossible to hate.  He always had a smile on his face and genuinely cared for people.  Mark also had that kind of air about him that said that it was ok to tell him anything you wanted to. 


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey everyone
Its been a while due to many reasons and its gonna be a little longer.  I have an AP test tomorrow and one next week so don't expect to see anything until after that.
Until next time satisfy yourself with a song.

Livin' on the Edge