Monday, August 31, 2009

Whats up

Hey again, I thought I'd just give a brief update. My computer is still dead so its still gonna be a while before I get back to regular posts.

In other news school started again today, and it felt odly similar to last year. Thats probably because the order of my schedule, and many of the teachers are the same. I have 15 study halls first semester but only 1 second, which stinks... I was hoping they could split my dc stuff but nope. Ohh well, at least this half of the year will go easy.

I also think I've decided to just go with engineering as a major, because if I decide its not for me I've been told its easier to switch from it than it is to switch to it. Now for college searching and applications, good thing I have lots of study halls with Ms. Demeno.

One good thing about this year is that i know quite a few people in every class despite the fact that many of them are smaller than normal. Jared (and matt) is in my gym class, so get ready to be dominated for ultimate frisbee.

Anyway, I'll leave off there, talk to you all later.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Just so you know

My hard drive had decided to terminate its own life again..... thus I am computerless and probably will be for a while. That means I'll be doing little posting because the only workable computer left in our house is my mom's and she uses it quite often.

Pray that my hard drive goes straight to hard drive hell....

until next time
always say hi to passing monkeys

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I lied

So I lied. Last night I said i wouldn't be doing anything with that story for a while. You know what happened, this morning, after being awakened by a coworker because my boss never gave him the key, I decided to work on it for a little. Here it is.

“Ahh, your wife, that would be why you are really here today, isn’t it. You are not just taking from God; you are taking away from her because you are never around, never tell her anything, and are always storming off.” John had this uncanny ability to know just why people came to him. “I’m worried Mark,” John continued after a pause, “I have a feeling that your world is about to be rocked more than you can imagine. God is going to try and get your attention if you don’t change and you will not like it.”

A break in the conversation occurred. I contemplated what John had just told me. Eventually I decided to play it off as him just worrying about me.

“So will I be seeing you this Sunday morning? Bob is leading an awesome worship set,” John started again.

“If everything goes as planned I’ll be there.”

“That’s good, I think you’ll find something in the sermon as well.”

“Oh really? What’s it about?”

“Come on Sunday and you’ll find out.”

“You can be so difficult, you know that?”

John just flashed that smile of his and replied, “I try my best.” At this we both shared a good laugh. “Hey, have you eaten yet? Where are my manners, I have a guest and still haven’t offered him any food,” John suddenly exclaimed.

“Actually, I am pretty hungry. I haven’t eaten since last night, but I really must be going. I think I’ll just pick up something on the way home.”

“Oh nonsense! You will stay and eat with me unless you can provide a real excuse, I’m making pierogis,” John said almost teasingly.

“No fair, you know I can’t resist you’re homemade pierogis,” I laughed out.

“Good, good. Make yourself at home, they’ll be done shortly.”

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's been a while

Just like the title says, its been a while since I last posted anything original, so lets start all over. Hey, I'm Andrew. I play the drums and somewhat the tuba. I love to hang out with my friends, and believe in God. My favorite sports to watch are hockey and baseball, my favorite sports to play are ultimate frisbee and soccer. I am going to be a senior at Spring-ford High School and still have no idea where I'm going to college or what I'm going for. I have some of the best friedns this worlds got to offer and have had a pretty good life up to this point...

Alright, now that you know what there is to know about me let me figure out what this post is about. Lets see, I'm going to the beach tomorrow, which is Friday since its now past 12. This is the first time I will be going to the beach since I was a really little kid, like before I remember anything, so for all practical purposes its my first time.. I'm going with my friends and family, and it should be a blast.

Music wise I just got done with a concert where I had to fill in for my brother on the drums because he broke his collar bone. It went fairly well and I had a solo in it... though I feel bad for Scott because of how loud I was playing throughout. Tuba is going fairly well as is marching band (well about as well as that can go). I'm still just biding my time till concert band. I'm actually in the process of trying to get together a band, hopefully one that will actually start this time.

Lets see, ahh yes, the story I started writing... Yeah, about that, I kinda forgot about it, this summer seems to have flown by, but I still plan on continuing it... perhaps after marching band season when I'll have some free time. So thats about it for writing.

Ahh, last Sunday I went to my first real concert. It was amazing, my friends and I headed to New Jersey to see Creed at the PNC Bank Arts Center. It was awesome, we were the seventh row back. The music was so loud, and the lights and pyrotechnics were awesome. I was totally unprepared for everything. It was a really great time. Also found some time to talk some baseball with Josh Rizzuto on the way home. Thats always a good time.

I've been slowly trying to rework myself into serving at RIOT and IMPACT again after not doing it for a while. Its difficult cause there isn't much left to do anymore, but hopefully as our church recovers financially from having built the student center we will once again get some of the stuff thats been broken lost or stolen.

I finished reading the New Testament early this summer. Actually I'd been pretty much done for a long time but for some reason I kept putting off reading Revelation even though it's one of my favorite books. I haven't read much of anything in a while. I'm waiting for the new Ted Dekker book to come out (this October I believe) and also plan on starting the Old Testament in the near future.

I have become the "fire master" for my friends... looks like being an eagle scout actually does something for you, haha.

To be honest, I don't know what I've done this summer. I haven't played a lot of video games, haven't read much, haven't done a ton outside. I have hung out with friends on nearly a weekly basis but outside of that not much else.

Ohh yeah, one final thing, I got a job right at the end of last school year. I now work at Providence School of Music and Wi-fi Cafe. Stop in sometime, I'd love to make a drink for you.

Alright, now that you pretty much know my entire summer I'll leave you alone. Congrats if you actually made it this far. My next post will be a lot shorter and will probably be more along the lines of what I used to write about. Here's a little gift for you, it's the verse of the day from!!!

“I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”- Psalm 16:8

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Another fwd from Grandma

This is about the best thing I've ever read as an explanation. We all wonder many many many times over WHY?

Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God have to do this to me?" Here is a wonderful explanation! A daughter is telling her Mother how everything is going wrong, she's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.

Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the daughter says, "Absolutely Mom, I love your cake."

"Here, have some cooking oil," her Mother offers.

"Yuck" says her daughter.
"How about a couple raw eggs?" "Gross, Mom!"
"Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?"

"Mom, those are all yucky!"

To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake! "

God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!

God is crazy about you.. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.

I would also like to add that sugar could be used as well, it tastes really good (the good moments in your life) but too much can actually make you sick (age old proverb)