Friday, November 14, 2008

numerous things

first, good luck to the Spring-Ford Golden Ram Marching Band tomorrow as they travel to J. Birney Crum Stadium in Allentown, Pennsylvania to compete in Tournament of Bands Atlantic Coast Group 4 Championships and look to defend their Champion status

Second I want to tell you about something i read recently.  It comes from The Irresistable Revolution.  In this book the author poses an idea (i think he got it from a cartoon).  He says, imagine a man talking to God.  The man asks "Why do you allow all the pain and homelessness and disease and all this other bad stuff to go on?"  God answers him "Why do you?"  This illustration is brilliant.  We are on this earth as God's body, it is our job to help stop these things, not complain about them to God.  Granted, God will aid us, but it is our job.  To go along with that heres a good song that illustrates the point further. (btw, i would suggest reading the book)

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