Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Stream

The gentle tinkle of water falling over moss covered rocks tickles my ear.  I glance down at the babbling brook I have stumbled upon and smile.  The beauty is brilliant.  The sun flashes off the small waves, shooting light in every which way like small shards of glass.  Patterns dance into and out of focus on the bed of the stream.  I can smell the dampness and woods all around me.  I breathe in deeply and smile to myself, it is perfect.  In that moment I decide I have to follow this busy brook as it bubbles and bounces from rock to rock.  I start off taking a leisurely stroll along the edge marveling at every sharp turn that it makes.

As I continue down the stream it gets more and more difficult to follow.  I begin to encounter prickly thorn bushes and gnarled roots reach from the ground as if to trip me.  Sometimes the path gets so difficult that I am forced to leave the streams edge.  At first I don't notice it getting farther and farther from me.  Eventually I do though and I anxiously make my way back.  I want to follow the stream for as long as possible just to be near its beauty and serenity.  

The path of the stream seemingly follows no logic as it meanders along the forest floor, and yet I sense that in reality everything it does makes perfect sense.  This logic is just beyond my grasp and it frustrates me.  Eventually I give up and notice that I have strayed from the stream again because of the difficulty of the path.  There are thorn bushes everywhere and rocks are strewn along the bank of the little stream.  I fight my way back and continue to press on.  I can tell that very few people have ever walked this far before.

The growing difficulty feeds my desire to follow the stream farther and farther.  The smell of unpolluted air drags my nose onwards and the sound continues to ease my burdened ears.  The temperature is just right easing my passage slightly and what a relief it is, for the path is now nearly untraversable.  I am constantly being forced fromt he side of the stream and it worries me.  

Finally I come to a clearing and look around.  I am surrounded by the beauty of nature.  I take a moment to relax and enjoy the peaceful place I have discovered.  I marvel at the small plants growing in the shade of the huge trees.  Everywhere there is life.  Things are beginning to sprout new growth after the test of winter.  I marvel at the wonder of nature and all its beauty and smile.  Unfortunately my watch reminds me it is time to head back.  I slowly scan where I am one last time, sigh, and turn to begin the treck back.


I had the idea to write this while I was walking down a stream (imagine that).  I just felt in awe of the beauty that God had made in nature.  It was a very relaxing experience.  I would really have liked to write this as a poem, but a poet I am not, so I chose to use very poetic prose instead (thus the large descriptions).  As with most of what I write there is a hidden meaning in this piece.  If anyone figures it out they get a cookie (if I don't eat it first)  

Until next time,

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