Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I will be spending the rest of thanksgiving break in hollywood with the band.  I apologize for not posting in a while, and it will be a while longer.  I'll be back on wednesday so until then...


Saturday, November 15, 2008


Yeahhhhhhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiii

can you say three peat

thats right, Spring-Ford is once again ACC's champs

Friday, November 14, 2008

numerous things

first, good luck to the Spring-Ford Golden Ram Marching Band tomorrow as they travel to J. Birney Crum Stadium in Allentown, Pennsylvania to compete in Tournament of Bands Atlantic Coast Group 4 Championships and look to defend their Champion status

Second I want to tell you about something i read recently.  It comes from The Irresistable Revolution.  In this book the author poses an idea (i think he got it from a cartoon).  He says, imagine a man talking to God.  The man asks "Why do you allow all the pain and homelessness and disease and all this other bad stuff to go on?"  God answers him "Why do you?"  This illustration is brilliant.  We are on this earth as God's body, it is our job to help stop these things, not complain about them to God.  Granted, God will aid us, but it is our job.  To go along with that heres a good song that illustrates the point further. (btw, i would suggest reading the book)

Monday, November 10, 2008


So yeah, another brilliant performance by Spring-Ford at COB's Championships earning a first place trophy, High percussion, High Visual, High overall effect, and High music.  We scored a 98.10, rumored to be the highest score ever achieved at a cavalcade championship.  This weekend we will be traveling to Allentown, PA for TOB's ACC championships.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Tomorrow SFMB will be traveling to hershey, pa, to compete in Cavalcade of Bands Championships.  This is the first year in a long time Spring-Ford will be competing in COB's Championships.  Wish us luck.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Its not like me to make two posts in one day, let alone in two, but this was two good to pass up.

two authors that i have read have perfectly described God's presence in this world.  I'll start with my favorite Ted Dekker.  First of all I would recomend his books to anyone, they combine action with thought provoking questions of faith.  If you wish to read i would suggest starting with his circle triology and going from there.  All of his books are connected, but other than the Circle trilogy they do not need to read in any order.  Anyway back to the topic of this post.  Dekkers description goes something like this.  Your at a doorway, with someone on the other side.  Close the door, is the other person still there?  There is no way you can know for certain, but we can assume yes even though none of our "senses" tell us that person is.  Can you see how this can be applied to God?  He's always there, just not visible to our human senses.  We can infer He's there through His influence in our life and our faith but there is not one of our senses firing impulses to our brain to confirm this knowledge.

Now for the next idea.  this one comes from Tim Lahaye (coauthor of the left behind series) and Bob Phillips.  Their description is laid out as follows; imagine a kite.  You let the string of the kite unravel until it is so far away that you can no longer see it.  How do you know the kite is still there?  The only way is through the slight tug on the string.  Well think of God as the kite.  He is out of our life visibly, but remains connected through that little string.  He tugs on our heart to make the right decisions.  He tugs on others hearts so they make the right decisions.  

I think these are really good ideas and wanted to share them with you.  

Have a nice day  

What's in a name?

A very wise person once asked that question, and answered it.  It was posed by Shakespeare, the great playright in his Romeo and Juliet.  Let me give you the background.  Romeo and Juliet are conversing, and contemplating the fact that their family's are at war.  Juliet asks Romeo "What's in a name?" and tells him that its nothing at all.  she even goes on to say "that which we call a rose/by any other name would smell as sweet."  Its a useless piece of identification.  Well, Shakespeare was right.  Names are useless outside of identification purposes (and stories of course).  Way back when names actually meant something they were a little more useful.  Last names used to describe the occupation of the person, or in certain cultures (such as french) their town of origin.  Still however these names were little more than identification.

So what's my beef?  why am i writing a post attacking names.  Well basically its just because i wanted to tell people that their name has nothing to do with who they are.  It does not make them more likely to be silly or funny or dumb or smart.  A name is a name, its a tool for vocal discrimination and there its usefulness ends.  Of course in literature names often take on significance, but i'm talking real life here.  So for all those people who want to get a name change, is it really necessary? Is it really gonna fufill your life in some way?  I won't tell you if you should or shouldn't, but think about it first.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Congrats again

Once again a congrats goes out to Spring-ford Golden Ram Marching band for their stellar first place performance at chapter championships earning a 94.35 and taking high auxilliary, high brass, and high woodwinds.  this is the third year in a row Spring-ford has won chapter championships.  Next week the Golden Rams will head to hershey to compete in the COB championships and the week after they head to allentown for Atlantic Coast Championships.  Currently Spring-Ford is seated first in both COB and TOB.