Sorry Richie Rich
Christianity today has become something unrecognizable. If the early church were here we wouldn't even be considered pretend Christians. If Paul were here there would be about thirty books of "To the Church in its current state" and each independent letter would be detailing worse things than are detailed in all of Paul's letters combined. If Jesus were here in the flesh I imagine we would see Him weep (I imagine He is weeping right now). Mainstream Christianity has strayed so far from the truth that even the world knows there is something wrong with it (just ask the atheists). The foundation of today's Christianity is one of belief. It is that all that is needed to make someone a disciple of Christ is belief in Christ. Well guess what people... That's not all we need. This idea came from one poorly interpreted verse (to be discussed later). There are enough other verses in the bible that say that action is required in addition to belief. (warning, this is about to get dangerous) Here's a news flash everyone, you all already know this but choose to ignore it. Here's what we are truly called to do as Christians. First we cannot be rich in the worldly sense of the world. There are so many verses and stories that state this fact that I won't bother recanting any here (if you're looking for some try opening your bible and reading any gospel or letter...). I lied, here are three. The book of James in the fifth chapter tells the rich to "weep and groan with anguish" for their "wealth is rotting away" and "the treasure (they) have accumulated will stand as evidence against (them) on the day of Judgement." In the book of Luke, in the 16th chapter, Jesus says "use you worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then when your earthly possessions are gone they will welcome you to an eternal home." Jesus goes on to tell the parable of a rich man and Lazarus (look it up on your own Luke 16.19-31). Early in Luke Jesus says "You cannot become my disciple without giving up everything you own!" and "Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own" (13.3 and 12.15 respectively). As you can see Jesus did not like wealth at all. Everyone knows where He says "it is easier for an elephant (or some animal of the sort) to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven" (i don't remember the specific verse right now so if you find it let me know). So part of being a christian is not having wealth, and i guess not being American, seeing as capitalism is all about getting as much as you can. So how many did i offend there, well guess what, there are no sorrys anymore. There have been enough sorrys and enough masking of the truth to last a long time. Its time that the Church became a living being again, "picked up and dusted off their sword) and started emulating Christ in their lives.
Are you not offended enough yet? OK stick around for the next installments then come talk to me.
I'm not trying to offend people, its just that from experience i know that when peoples beliefs are attacked they get defensive.
Up next "The Verse"
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