Friday, May 29, 2009

a trip down memory lane

So tonight was the Band banquet, where everyone gets their class awards and we all get recognized, yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, afterwards there is always a dance. Needless to say the songs are never really that good and the lighting is pretty bad so its not that great of an experience. Due to this fact, my two friends and I decided to go play on the play ground. It was the most fun I've had in a while. We went on the swings, we found a ball and played four square with 3 people... We invented our own game. It was just like we were in elementary school again. Those were the good days when school was easy, homework took 20 minutes at the max, and all you had to care about was having fun. Once again let me tell you that that was a lot of fun, and it also did a good job of taking my mind off of school and band and all that stuff. So, next time you feel overwhelmed why not take a trip down memory lane and play on a playground. Remember, you're never to old to have fun.

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