Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the Me Me Me and You You You society

I am totally disgusted with what has happened to humanity (mostly by what the Church has allowed to happen to humanity). What have we become that we defend things such as the sex trade and drugs. Since when has having no religion become a religion. Why is it that the only thing that sells any more is sex. Why is it that in a nation where we claim freedom of speech religion is slowly being pushd from our schools. Since when has it become acceptable to not say the pledge of allegiance because it has the word God in it. Why have we decided that we should punnish unborn children with their parents mistakes through abortion.

Anyway, now that my rant is done, on to the real topic of this post.

Society has lost its identity. We no longer know what we want to be. We're all about ourselves, but at he same time we're all about each other. We try to subbstitute lack of belief with belief. We are so worried about keeping everyone else happy that we no longer fight the fights that need to be fought.

So, how can we be all about ourselves and all about each other at the same time, well lets start with the all about ourselves part. This is pretty easy. Everything that people do these days is to make themselves happy. The pirmary focus and purpose to our life according to society is to go out and make as much money as we can. People go out and use drugs. Premarital sex is now considered ok. We feel no need to help others. We think its ok to put the consequences of our mistakes into our unborn children. We make a new religion that says that humans rule the earth because humans made themselves rule the earth through evolution. Nothing is about anyone else anymore. Its all gimme gimme gimme.

So if everything is about us how can anything be about anyone else. Again an easy answer to a tough question. Society has adapted itself to try and fit everyone. We try to remove all traces of religion from our schools just to keep everyone happy. We avoid even identifying people by their race. We're all about womens rights. We never hit our children. We give into our children.

Well then, where does this leave us? This leaves us with a generation that has no identity, a generation with no morals, and a generation that is lost. My generation no longer knows what to do. There is so much arguing about what should and shouldn't be happening that no one knows what is right anymore.

Is there anyway to fix this? I think there is, and I think its going to start with the Church. The Church needs to put its foot down on the parents so the parents put their feet down on their children. We need to remind ourselves that having sex out of wedlock is not good. We need to remember that morals are important, because without morals society becomes lost. Without morals true freedom prevails and according to Plato and his allegory of the cave, true freedom and absolute truth are scary. Without morals society regains the me me me part and trys to force the you you you into formalities.

Again i apologize for the lack of gramar, organization, clear thoughts, and spelling, but i'll be working on this more as i go along

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